McElfish was inspired for this assignment by the 90’s

Guess Ads that showed the photos is blue/black/white


To Edit you MUST Download Action and follow the steps found here!!!

Directions for Editing with Action

Photo 1

  • Place a blue object in a unusual place that you would not normally find it
  • Compose your photo that it is using the Rule of 3rds.
  • If possible push the Rule of 3rds to an extreme.
  • Don’t worry about the editing.  We will cover that at the end.

Photo 2
  • Find a person wearing blue, holding a blue backpack or has blue makeup or nail polish 
  • You will only be taking a part of the person wearing blue (see below examples)
  • Compose your photo that it is using the Rule of 3rds.
  • If possible push the Rule of 3rds to an extreme






Not correct!!!!!!



Photo 3

  • Take a photograph of the blue sky with some portion of a plant, tree, building, sign, car, basketball hoop,fence, etc.
    • NO PEOPLE 
      • NO SHOES
  • Compose your photo using the Rule of 3rds.
  • If possible push the Rule of 3rds to an extreme.


Photo 4

  • Take a photograph of the blue sky shoes in the air.  This can not be the same photo you turn in for photo 3
  • Compose your photo  using the Rule of 3rds.
  • If possible push the Rule of 3rds to an extreme


Photo 5
  • The background for this photo must be either blue sky or blue water
    • This can be an action photo or still shot of sports equipment.
      • Do Not show the whole person in this.  Hand or foot is okt
        • Basketball Hoop 
        • Soccer Net
        • Waterpolo Ball
        • Baseball
        • Soccer Ball
        • Football
        • Other sports equipment
  • Compose your sports equipment using the Rule of 3rds.
  • If possible push the Rule of 3rds to an extreme