Directions for Photographing
Preparing for the photo
- This works best in a dark room
- Set up a tripod
- Set your camera to TV
- Set your shutter speed to 5 to 10 seconds
Step 1:
- Hold the flash light on the person so the camera can focus
- If you do not have enough light the camera can not focus.
- While the light is shinning on the person, Lock in focus
- Press the shutter to take your photo

- Keep the light on the person for a split second
- Remove the light so the person is in the dark
Light On Light Off
Step 3:
- Have the person move to another position
- Flash the light on Person for a quick second
- The longer the light is on them, the less transparent they will appear
- Turn of the light and have them move again
Light On Light Off
Step 4:
- Turn the light off and have your person move a third position
- Flash the light on them for a second
- Turn of the light and have them move again.
Light On Light Off
- Your ghost photo is now ready to edit
Edited Final Version