There are psychological and emotional impact shapes can make in human mind when used in the right way.
- No end or beginning
- Curves are seen as feminine
- Completeness suggests the unity and harmony
- Perfection
- Circles exist all around us in nature. Because the Ancients association with the sun, moon, and Earth, there’s a cosmic and celestial link
- Circles have no beginning or end, they’re also connected to the idea of cycles, eternity, and timelessness.
- They feel complete and unified. Think of the
- circular yin-yang symbol (two halves make a whole)
- wedding bands
- clocks
Circles suggest movement
- wheels
- elliptical paths of planetary orbits
- bounding
Characters which have circles in them are processed by brain as chubby, soft, cute and nonthreatening
- Stable/Order
- Boring
- Security
- Communicating power, intelligence, stability
Financial services and tech companies use squares and rectangles for their logos.
The shape conveys reliability and longevity, while also feeling traditional, trustworthy, and authoritative.
- tension
- Aggression
- Energy
- Masculinity
Triangles have dual meanings:
- When they’re upright, they feel stable, solid, and balanced
- Once inverted they feel top-heavy, wild, unbalanced, risky, scary and questioning
When a kid draws a scary drawing he always used pointy triangles with horns and teeth
If you notice nobody tells him to do that. That is his brain which tells him triangles are scary.
Villains have triangular shapes which suggests fear, aggression, evil

Tattoo Shapes:
Perfume bottles