Taking the Panoramic Photos:
- Set your Camera to AV
- Set your Apeture between f/18 – f/22
- You will be taking 5 photos total
- Each photo will overlap the photo before it
- Stand in the middle of the area you will be taking the panoramic photo
First Photo:
- Take a photo at the far left of the panoramic
- When you are done taking the photo
- Find a reference point in your photograph.
- This can be anything (car, tree, building, etc.)
- Find a reference point in your photograph.
Second Photo:
- Move your camera to the right
- Locate the reference point from photo 1
- This second photo must overlap the 1st photo by at least 20%
- If you don’t over lap enough photoshop will not be able to stitch it together.
- Move your camera to the right
Third through Fifth Photo:
- Move your camera to the right
- locate the reference point from photo 2
- The 3rd photo must overlap the 2nd photo by at least 20%
- Continue for the 4th and 5th photo
- Move your camera to the right
1. Horizontal Panoramic
- Must be ON CAMPUS
- Follow directions to combine your images
- Edit to make the colors stand out.
2. Vertical Panoramic
- Must be ON CAMPUS
- Follow directions to combine your images
- Edit to make the colors stand out.