Select Color Adjustment tool can be used to create amazing differences in your photos



Step 1: Pick the Selective Color Adjustment *Pick the most dominant color in the photograph from the Colors drop down menu. (For this photo I picked Red)

Step 2: Move the the sliders to change the colors in the photo *The Black slider will be the most POWERFUL of all the colors.

Step 3: Pick other color in the photograph from the Colors drop down menu. *Not all of the colors will change the colors in your photo or they will be so slight you will not notice the change.

Step 4: You MUST use the Black Color from the drop down menu and move the Black slider toward the right. You will decide how far to move the slider depending on your photo.

Step 5: You MUST use the White Color from the drop down menu and move the Black slider toward the left. You will decide how far to move the slider depending on your photo.