1. Have one or more people wear a mask and stand in an empty hallway.
- You MUST use a long hallway.
- YOU may not have them tooooo close to you. They must be far away.

2. Take your photo. Make sure it is properly exposed

1. Turn your photograph Black and White
- You will find it at the bottom of the layers pallet by clicking the yin/yang circle
- Play with the sliders to give your photo the feel you would like

2. Now select the Color Balance Adjustment. You will find it at the bottom of the layers pallet by clicking the yin/yang circle
- Make sure Midtones is selected
- Move the top slider all the way to the Red

3. Change Midtones to Highlight
- Move the slider slightly to the Red.
- Play around with the color to achieve what looks best to you.
- Do NOT make it to Orange or Yellow

4. Change Highlight to Shadows
- Move the slider toward the Red. Play around with the color to achieve what looks best to you.

5. Above your top layer to the left it will say Normal
- Change it from Normal to any one that until you like the results.
- ex Color Burn, Multiple, Overlay, ect

6. Add Noise for an added creepy feel.
- To to Noise – Add Noise
7.Finish editing the photo by using either Curves or Levels or any other adjustment. This is an optional step

These are NOT done correctly

Best of Photos