Top PSA CommerciaLS
- You will be creating a PTS advertisment
- Completing a Q and A about your topic.
1. Pick a issue
List of Possible Topics:
If you don’t see the issue you would like to address on this list, please see me so we can add it
- Academic Cheating
- Air Pollution
- Alcohol Abuse
- Animal abuse
- Autism
- Black Lives Matter
- Bulling
- Censorship
- Child Abuse
- Child Labor
- Child Technology Addiction
- Child Obesity
- Childcare
- Civil Liberties
- Civil Rights Movements
- Climate Change
- Collage Entrance Cheating
- Deforestation
- Disability Rights
- Depression
- Domestic Violence
- Dog Abuse
- Drug Abuse
- Eating Disorders
- Foster Care System
- Free Speach
- Fur
- Gangs
- Gambling Addiction
- Gender Equality
- GMO-Genetically Modified Food
- Green Energy
- Hate Speech
- Hate Crimes
- Health Care
- Homelessness
- Housing Costs
- Human Trafficking
- Immigration
- Illiteracy
- Mental Illness
- Media Bias
- Minimum and Living Wages
- Net Neutrality
- Online Predators
- Obesity
- Poverty
- Recycling
- Sexual Harassment
- Student Loan Debt
- Steroid Use
- Sweat Shops
- Surveillance
- Technology Addiction
- Terrorism
- Unemployment
- Veterans
- Video Gaming Addiction
- Water Pollution
- Wildlife Protection
- Women’s Rights
- Xenophobia
2. Requirments
Create an ad that brings awareness and motivates people to change or take action.
- In focus
- Properly Exposed (not to dark or light)
- Nothing distracting in the background (feet, objects, random stuff on walls, trees, etc. )
- Thought put into the photo, not just taken in the hallway
- Editing must enhance the project and message
- Do NOT just change it to black and white and think that is editing.
- Use the photoshop skills you have learned all year.
- Must have a least ONE word of TEXT
- Text:
- This word should bring attention to your project.
- Do not just but the word “Bullying” over a photo of students. That is not grabbing the attention or making a difference to the viewer.
- The word/words can be:
- A statistic
- Quote
- Informative
- Text:
Example of Grades for the same project
- 50%:
- No effort
- no editing
- no text.
- Don’t know what the topic is about.
- 60%:
- No effort, little editing, no text.
- Still unaware of the topic.
- 80%:
- Good effort/editing.
- No text
- no wow factor
- 100%
- Amazing effort, editing, thought.
- Text showing.
- Huge WOW factor
Examples of projects 70% and below
Examples of 100% Projects
3. Research
You will need to research your topic and answer the following questions. There will be a dropbox on school loop with this Q and A
- What issue was your project based on?
- Describe in 3 sentences how you would define this issue and what it is
- In 4 sentences tell me what prompted you to pick this topic?
- Who is at risk for this?
- Is this a United States issue or a worldwide issue?
- How many people does this issue affect in the united states?
- How many people does it affect in the world?
- Where is this issue most prevalent?
- What mental and physical harm is taking place because of this issue.
- Has this issue increased over the last 4 years?
- What age group does this topic effect?
- What gender does this topic effect?
- List 4 organizations that are currently addressing this social issue
- What is currently being done to bring chances to this issue?
- What positive changes are being made toward changing this issue?
- What have you learned after researching this issue and how has this changed from what you knew
- Besides completing this project, what can you personally do to bring about positive changes for this issue?
Child Labor


Social Media/Electronic Effects
Animal Rights

Drunk/Text Driving
Beauty Media/Body Issues


Social Injustice


Depression/Mental Illness



Human Trafficking