Recreation of an Iconic Image
Past Final Recreation
1. MUST be taken by YOU! This is a photography class not a modeling class!
2. MUST be taken with a DSLR camera. NO Cell Phones Photos
3. YOU MUST Combine the famous photo next to your remake photo in Photoshop before you submit it.
You May NOT pick images that are inappropriate for school
- NO Animation
- No Paintings
- No Drug Use
- Nothing Culturally Insensitive
- No Violence
- No Instagram, Snapchat, twitter or other Social Media site
- No photos from uncle, friend, etc. that is a “professional photographer”
*10% of your grade
*Photography Skills
*Photoshop Skills
*Difficulty of Image Recreated
* MUST show a lot of TIME and EFFORT (studying for a final test should take you between 2-3 hours. You must show that your final took this kind of time)
What is considered a famous image
With billions of image avalible to view, what makes some of them just photos and others famous?
- Instantly recognizeable
- Captures a historic person, place, thing, or time period
- Images that are seared into our consciousness as a society
- Magazine, Newspaper, Movies, Advertisments, TV
Famous Image Vs Famous Person
Sports Photos
- Iconic Sports Momement
- Olympics, winning game moment, etc.
- Magazine photos of athlete
- Wheates Box
- Iconic Sports Momement
YES: Iconic Sports moments examples
NO: Random Sports photos

Musician Photos
- Album Cover
- Magazine photo of band/musician
- Historical Concert Image
- Still images from music videos
- Mug Shot
- News Worthy Moment
YES: Music
No: Random Musican Photos
Famous image vs famous person
- Cover of Movie
- Still Image from Movie
- Magazine photos
- Magazine Cover
- Magazine Layout
- Iconic Fashion Photo
- Advertiment photo
- Instagram/ social media
3 Ways to Recreate Famous Image
Recreation is a piece of writing, art or music that copies the original in a similar manner with minor changes.
The artistic feeling/mode/look is similar to the original. Credit is given to the original work of art/music/photograph.
- A piece of writing, art or music that deliberately copies another work in a comic or satirical way.

- Taking an image and recreating it with toys