Photography Section
- Pick a white or black background
- Arrange pencils in the CORRECT ORDER of the color wheel
- You MUST have the 6 main colors
- Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple
- You can have more than 6 pencils with different shades of the colors
- Make the arrangement as creative as possible!!!!!!!!!
- You MUST have the 6 main colors
Photoshop Section
Step 1:
- Pick the Quick Selection Tool
- Select just the colored tips of all the pencils
Step 2:
- Go to your Layers Pallet
- Click the black/white circle
- Choose Black and White
- The tips will turn black and white, but don’t worry
- Choose Black and White
- Click the black/white circle
Step 3:
- Click Control i
- The photo will turn black/white and the tips will be in color
Step 4:
- Crop any extra in the photo that is distracting!!!!!!
Step 5
- Open in Camera Raw
- Edit with
- Vibrance and Saturation to make colors POP
- Edit with
- Exposure
- Contrast
- Black
- White