Step 1: Select the Adjustment Gradient Map. This will turn your photograph black and white.
Step 2: Right click on the Background Layer. Pick Duplicate Layer
Step 3: Go to: Filter- Stylize- Diffuse
Step 4: Select Lighten Only. Click ok.
Step 5: Change Normal to Screen at the top left the layers pallet
Step 6: Return to your Background Layer. Right click and Duplicate Layer again.
Step 7: Click on the new layer you made. -Hold and drag it to the top of the layers pallet (above the Gradient Map Layer)
Step 8: Click on Normal and change to Soft Light
Step 9: Click on the White box on the Gradient Map Layer. Select a black brush and paint over the subject to bring back the color.
Step 10: Hold the Control key and Click on the White Layer Mask Box at the same time. You will noticed the person has now been selected.
Step 11: Click on the Background Copy Layer. Click on the Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the layers pallet
Step 12: Pull down the opacity until it looks realistic
Step 13: Right click on the background layer and Merge Layers
Step 14: Open the snow texture. Move it on top of the the winter photo. Click Control T to make the texture fit.
Step 15: Change Normal to Screen
Step 16: Add a Layers Mask (icon that look like a camera). This will add a white box next to the snow layer. -Select a black brush – Pull the Opacity down to about 50-70% – Paint over sections of the subjects skin and small areas on the clothing. Do NOT paint off to much from the subject or it will look fake.